Telehealth Care changes with Doctors are rapidly becoming the new norm. COVID-19 or the Coronavirus has changed the way we interact with our Doctors. Physicians have introduced digital office visits where you both talk to each other through the internet with live audio and video feeds. This works fine for verbal consultations. However, when being up close and personal is required things are totally different from our past Doctor’s Appointments. Social distancing is just the beginning. Personal Protective Equipment is required until further notice.
If we use the Telehealth Care changes that are rapidly coming into play we will be limited to verbal and visual consultations. For vitals like weight, height, blood pressure, & temperature to name a few it currently poses an issue. For a more in depth evaluation a personal visit to your Physician will be necessary. At that point you will begin to notice some specific changes that may remind you of the Dustin Hoffman movie “Outbreak”. Towards the end of that movie everyone was wearing heavy PPE. That is what it looks like in American Medicine for the year 2020. COVID-19 which originated in China has morphed from a World Wide Health Pandemic into a World Wide Financial Crisis.
Telehealth Care Changes Are Just The Beginning

Once all the Telehealth Care changes are worked out it will serve the Medical Community well! More basic consultations can be delivered each day using high quality technology. Personal or onsite Doctor’s Visits can be reserved for the more needy patients. This entire combination will probably help diminish the spread of many illnesses like Flu, and the common cold. That in itself may help all of us in the long run. Telehealth Care changes are coming as fast as you can spell it. It will morph and change and evolve into medicine of the 21st Century. Rural locations can really benefit from this. Assisted Living and Nursing Care facilities can get quality consultations without the need to go into a Physician’s office unless a more critical condition exists.
Computer Software for a Doctor’s Office to help with patients, billing, management, records, and the telehealth care changes is already in the marketplace. If you work in a Doctor’s Office and don’t have this software Call for Help Today! It is cost effective, practical, and very efficient. What have you got to lose? Join the modern medical technology era.
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