HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was enacted and signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996. It was designed to protect our personal health information and records from abuse. This became critical as the move from paper health records to HIPAA electronic health records began. The process of becoming HIPAA compliant can be very complicated and time consuming. It is certainly not for the faint of heart. HIPAA.com details this required change for the entire healthcare related community.
HIPAA = Personal Health Data Protection
When you moved or are moving to HIPAA electronic health records it will be necessary to control and protect your paper copies of these records. That is one critical part of this 1996 legislation. Protections for this personal data of millions of Americans is now an important part of the healthcare industry as a whole. It is the very essence of HIPAA. Sharing the data with unauthorized entities is strictly forbidden. Federal Penalties are in place to discourage and punish anyone from using this data for unauthorized and fraudulent reasons. Also negligence can come into play.
These penalties have four tiers and can range in cost from $100.00 up to $1.5 million. As you can see a breach of these HIPAA electronic health records is serious business. It is certainly not something you want your practice to experience. Therefore, take all the precautions necessary to avoid having to deal with a situation involving HIPAA electronic health records.

Make sure that the software company you select for your Healthcare Practice Management system is HIPAA Compliant. And, that they fully understand what is necessary and required. EZ Healthcare is one of those companies. Their proprietary software system specifically designed for the healthcare industry is 100% HIPAA Compliant. It is called EZ Office Suite. It is easy to use with basic computer skills as the only requirement. It is a total management system for the healthcare industry that will help you comply legally and make you more efficient.
If you would like to experience this “State of the Art” Physician’s Management System, Contact Them Today for a Free in office demonstration. And don’t forget it is compliant with all HIPAA electronic health records regulations.
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