Things have changed forever with the development of our digital world. It applies to sharing medical records too. We no longer rely on paper alone for our record keeping. The turn of the century in 2000 ushered in a newer, more mature digital experience. Our computers offered us a way to make digital records and save them to all kinds of formats. Word and text documents, spread sheets, custom forms, pictures, images, and video to name a few were digitally available for filing and sharing. This certainly included electronic health records.

Prior to this digital revolution, sharing medical records would require a copy machine, a fax machine, the post office, and or a delivery service. And prior to that it would require the copying by hand. This method of sharing medical records would be considered antiquated at best in todays standards. Not to mention extremely slow in process time.
Digitally Share Medical Records
After taking a walk down memory lane of sharing medical records it is important to note that with great advancements often times comes new hurdles. In our case of sharing medical records, we must remember that governmental regulations are now a part of our business. This relates to the entry, storage, access, and includes sharing medical records. HIPAA is part of your practice whether you want it to be or not. It is just a fact. This doesn’t diminish what you do, but it does require that you make certain adjustments to comply with HIPAA.
Electronic Health Records or EHR, by law must be protected. Nearly every Clinic, Physician, and Doctor in America use a software program to help them manage these EHR. Many of these software programs also include other functions which can make managing a medical practice more efficient. This clearly makes sense from a business prospective. A medical practice is a business so if you own one or work in one you should make every effort to have the best EHR Software available.
EZ Healthcare has been supplying medical practice software to this industry for over 20 years. EZ EHR and EZ Office Suite are without short comings. Each product offers exactly what you need to manage a medical practice as efficiently as possible. Basic computer skills is the only requirement to operate. For an in office demonstration, Contact EZ Healthcare at your convenience.
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