Telemedicine has become a private practice reality for most Physicians. February 2020 brought the United States COVID-19 a.k.a. Coronavirus from China. By the time we found out the true details of this virus it was too late to stop its spread. Federal, State, and Local Governments began to shut down all unessential businesses and requested staying indoors as much as possible for most of the citizens. These shut downs have had a disasterous effect upon our economy. It may take America years to get over this questionable decision pushed upon us by the Virus Community in Medicine. Little or no thought was given to the economic ramifications.
Fear has a firm hold on many older Americans and they do not want to go out into crowded places or get close to strangers. Therefore, telemedicine is growing faster than anyone expected. Expect it to expand deep into our society for the foreseeable future. For basic consultations this will work fine. After that we may be stuck with lots of PPE for private practice. Gloves, face shields, gowns, and masks will most likely be seen in many businesses other than medicine too! Hair and Nail Salons come to mind immediately. Telemedicine will evolve and technology will advance to make the private medical practice slightly more sterile and less personal than we have become used to.
Telemedicine May Or May Not Survive.

Soon, the coronavirus will have come and gone and a vaccine will have been developed to stop it from reinfecting humans. At that point telemedicine will either have become so accepted that it will be here to stay, or it will just fade away. Doctors and patients will make those decisions when fear becomes less of a decision factor. Only time will tell on this one!
Most Physicians have software systems to help them manage their medical practices. These software systems should be telemedicine compatible. If you find that yours is not compatible Contact EZ Healthcare to discuss your needs. They can schedule a FREE in office demonstration of their software which is telemedicine compatible. This software system also has state of the art features and provides the most efficient productivity available for the medical community.
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